New manager arrives at St Seraphims

Mariamni Plested, St Seraphim’s new manager

Mariamni Plested and her family will arrive at St Seraphim’s in December 2024. Mariamni is an iconographer who currently lives in the USA – but is no stranger to St Seraphim’s.  She was born in a neighbouring village and baptised at St Seraphim’s where she was a regular part of the community as a child.  As a teenager she learned from Fr David, and later also studied iconography with Leon and other teachers.  She is excited to be setting up her iconography studio at St Seraphim’s where she will be working on some special projects focused on British Saints as a tribute to Fr David and his legacy.

She will also take over management of the site from Jules and has some exciting plans for creative community workshops in the pipeline.  Mariamni will spend eight months as iconographer-in-residence at St Seraphim’s during which time her husband, Marcus Plested, on sabbatical leave from his post as Professor of Greek Patristic and Byzantine Theology at Marquette University, USA, will be working on a research project on the Theology of History.  They look forward to hosting a range of events and study days connected with the history and work of key figures associated with the Chapel.

Examples of Mariamni’s work above depict St Constantine and Archangel Raphael

Follow her journey with St Seraphims on Instagram



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